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Platform Services

Platform Services

Description: A well defined set of services to develop, test, build, and deploy cloud–native applications. This prescriptive software/tool stack, or Platform Services, is typically comprised of several layers. The most common include:

Benefits: One team mindset to build cloud native applications by leveraging:

How Hararei Can Help: Hararei can assist companies to map out their Platform strategy, and aid in execution either alongside existing teams or as a separate programme. We recognize that any transition is likely to be an extended effort, and can help manage that complexity.

Hararei can also design and implement a fully SaaS–managed OpenStack and Kubernetes offering. There is no manual deployment needed — the service instantly deploys, manages, upgrades, and monitors OpenStack and Kubernetes for you. This 100% cloud based service is ideal for building/enhancing your private cloud, while fully enabling and greatly simplifying public cloud exploitation too.